How do you cache content/make it available for offline use?


Why Cache Content/Make Available for Offline Use?

The lessons/videos content for Korean—Lesson+ is stored online, which has a lot of benefits.  This includes allowing new content to be added immediately, keeps the the app from taking up large amounts of space on your device, and for flexibility in updating existing content if an issue is found.

There are some disadvantages to this approach—mostly because accessing this content requires a constant Internet connection in order to play the content.  Even with a cellular data connection, this can be a disadvantage—especially if you have a limited usage plan or slow connection.

To get around these issues, Korean—Lessons+ allows you to make content available for offline use.  

Cached content can be used without any network connection.  If you are planning to be somewhere you may not have a network connection (i.e. going on a trip, in a plane, etc.)  or if you want to keep from using a lot of cellular data, you can cache content beforehand.

Currently, only iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod) can cache content.

How do you do it?

Throughout the app, you will see buttons that have three little dots "..." on them.  These buttons, allow you to access additional options for and individual lesson or a group of lessons.  Where content is listed as icons (i.e. Shows, Recent, etc.), you can also tap and hold on the item to bring up the same menu.

Items that are cached for offline use have an icon in the corner showing they have been downloaded to the device:



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